Teacher Training

Summer/Fall 2024

Invest in Your Best Self

STUDIO B’S 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) is a dynamic training designed to empower YOU. Our program explores the history & philosophy of yoga, sequencing, and anatomy, in addition to personal growth, leadership, and what it means to live life on purpose. This program isn't just for those interested in becoming certified instructors - it is for anyone committed to diving deep into their personal yoga practice on and off the mat. 

Program Overview

STUDIO B UNIVERSITY is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with the Yoga Alliance. Our 200 Hour Program takes place over a 4-6 month period and includes instruction on anatomy and philosophy, deep inquiry about yourself and your purpose, collaborative group activities and discussion, attending various workshops, practice teaching/assisting, and of course, practicing yoga. During the weeks in between, students are asked to complete various assignments including reading, small group work, attending and observing classes. Like our classes, our Teacher Training is challenging, but fun and will leave you feeling energized and empowered. Our mission is to create not only yoga teachers, but leaders who can share the wisdom of yoga inside and outside of the yoga studio.

The Curriculum

Throughout this 200-hour course, trainees will learn the fundamental principles of vinyasa yoga and how to teach this popular form of yoga in a purposeful, creative and authentic way. Learning to teach the physical postures, however, is just the beginning. Here is breakdown of everything we will cover:

  • In the physical realm the focus will be on anatomy, the principles of alignment, how to keep your body safe and healthy, vinyasa pacing, proper sequencing, assisting techniques and an introduction into Ayurveda (the science of healthy living).

  • In the energetic/emotional realm we will explore pranayama (breath control), the chakras (energy centers), body awareness, how to read bodies, how to theme a class and speak from your authentic voice.

  • In the mental realm we will explore powerful techniques to practice and teach meditation and mindfulness.

  • In the deepest spiritual realm we will explore the ancient teachings of yoga philosophy and how to use this information to tap into your purpose and create a vision for carrying out that purpose. We will teach you to take your yoga off of the mat and into every aspect of your life.

There are no prerequisites for the training except for the desire to deepen your practice and a commitment to personal growth.

Training Dates

June 14-16 | June 28-30

July 12-14 | August 2-4

August 23-25 | September 13-15

September 27-29 | October 11-13

The schedule will look like the following: FRIDAY 5:45-9pm | SATURDAY 9-4pm | SUNDAY 9-3pm

We understand that life happens, kids schedules, vacations planned in advance—if you would need to miss a weekend of training, please text/email Rachel upon application to give her those dates in advance. We want you to get the most out of this training and in order to do so attendance and participation is very important. If you do have to miss a day/weekend, you are required to make up those hours and gather what you missed from the group and have a one-on-one with Rachel.

COST: $3200


Pay in Full—get additional $200 off/Payment Plans are available!

Audit Program

Calling all Registered Yoga Teachers!

If you have already completed your 200-hour training through another program and you would like to get a refresher or learn the STUDIO B style, this program is for you! This program is offered to you at a discounted rate. During your application, please state that you are a previous RYT and you are interested in the Audit Program.

Cost: $1850

*Early Bird is not eligible for the Audit Program — $500 due once application is approved.


$500 due once application is approved

“In truth, yoga doesn't take time – it gives time.”

— Ganga White